Who are "The Leavers"?
In Daniel Quinn's book Ishmael there are two types of culture: Taker Culture and Leaver Culture. The Takers take from the earth without thought to how their behavior effects other living things or the generations to come. The Leavers act in harmony with the earth and leave behind a culture that is sustainable for those who follow after them. We cannot help but see the correlation between how we live our lives now and Taker Culture. How do we stop our constant, thoughtless cycle of taking?
In order to break away from this, we wondered - what are we willing to leave behind? A part of this journey was letting go of the way of life that we have always known. Our comfort and convenience. What we found along the trail was a life of highs and lows, but an undeniable sense of generosity and abundance. |
Our InspirationWe are fortunate to have the support of Oak Hart Farm, a family-run organic vegetable farm in Clarke County Virginia. Farmers Shawna and Woody Hartsook are deeply committed to growing local, ethical food that feeds their community. The work they do inspired us to go in search of others like them and do all that we can to connect people, places, food, and ideas that respect the health of both humans and nature.
Learn more about Oak Hart Farm |